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Semeli’s smile
Cultural Foundation of the Bank of Cyprus
Illustrated by Constanze von Kitzing
Semeli knows what she wants more than anything in the world! The red bicycle is the most beautiful bicycle she has ever seen and she cannot take it out of her mind. Yet, one day, something in the sullen faces of people around her makes her worry… What can make people truly smile? And is the red bicycle what Semeli really needs to be happy? An unexpected encounter will bring her the answer she is looking for!
  • Children’s book award by the Cyprus Bibliographical Society (2011).
  • Shortlisted for the Cyprus national children’s literature award (2012).

“The elegant and graceful writing of Marina Michaelidou-Kadi. The extremely lively illustrations of Constanze von Kitzing. A beautiful story that stays away from the temptation of didacticism. Like Semeli, we have a duty to resist: the heavy winter, the threatening clouds, the storm which struck.” Andreas Kounios, “Alithia” 

“A well-written book about the value of giving. A realistic story set in modern times, where each child can recognize herself/himself, their dreams and aspirations, their problems, their everyday life. A delightful story that will be loved by children and adults.” Yiota Fotou, “The Magical World of Children’s Books”